Danke Schoen! (That’s German for “You rock our lederhosen off”)
This year’s Beer Brats & BMWs Customer Appreciation and Fundraiser event was the best one yet. We had a wonderful time partying with you all and we hope you had fun as well! It was a gorgeous day and we enjoyed great food, German beer and fine wine, fun games for all ages, and prizes out the wazoo!
Thanks to your generous contributions, we were able to raise $3,000 to benefit the victims of the fire near Prescott and families of the firefighters who perished.
Please allow us to thank you again for your business. We appreciate the trust you have placed in Coast Motor Werk, and we are dedicated to maintaining that trust by continuing to provide excellent service and value – now and always.
We would also like to thank (and encourage you to patronize) the following businesses that contributed goods or services to the event:
Donated Gifts for Raffle:
[twocol_one]Zimzala Restaurant at the Shorebreak Hotel
Sebastiani’s Italian Bistro Restaurant
[/twocol_one] [twocol_one_last]Katie Raber’s Face & Body Esthetiques
[/twocol_one_last]Music by:
Food and Drinks from:
Debbie’s Delicious Dishes
[hr]We already can’t wait for next year’s Beer Brats & BMWs event! Until then…Auf Wiedersehen!